On the 25th & 26th of November, STEM West will be held at West College Scotland Clydebank Campus for its 3rd year. We’d like to invite employers from STEM related industries to inspire the future workforce in a fun and interactive way.
In previous years, we’ve had representatives from companies like Rolls-Royce, Arnold Clark and the NHS to name a few. Each employer brings along something interactive and engaging that offers an insight to the work they do. For example, last year Ferguson Marine brought a Virtual Reality welder, where pupils would strap on a VR headset and find out what it is Ferguson Marine do on a daily basis.
With over 500 pupils attending over 2 days, this could be a great opportunity for you to represent your organisation/industry in a fun and interactive way and introduce young people to the world of STEM.
If this sounds like something you could do, don’t hesitate to get in touch at info@dywwest.co.uk.
You can see a gallery of photos from last year’s event here.
And you can see a video of last year here.