Once again, DYW West celebrated the 8th of March the way we always do… By making a week out of it!
We took groups of young women on tours of some of Scotland’s most high profile STEM employers so they could see the inner workings of huge organisations like NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde (Inverclyde Royal, NHS Golden Jubilee & Royal Alexandria Hospital), British Airways, Rolls-Royce and Keir Construction!
We’re all about encouraging young women to pursue careers in STEM-related industries and areas that are seen as “male-dominated”, hopefully inspiring them to pick the relevant subjects at school to start them off in a STEM career.
Unfortunately, the impact of COVID-19 meant that the tour with DXC in Erskine had to be postponed to a later date which will be confirmed when we return to some normality.
Thank you to the Inverclyde Royal Hospital, Royal Alexandria Hospital, British Airways, Rolls-Royce, DXC, Keir Construction and NHS Golden Jubilee for agreeing to offer the tours as well as the pupils from Castlehead HS, Gleniffer HS, Johnstone HS, Trinity HS, Linwood HS, Mary Russell, Paisley Grammar, Clydeview Academy, Inverclyde Academy, St. Columba’s HS, Clydebank HS, St. Peter The Apostle HS, St. Luke’s HS, Woodfarm HS and Eastwood HS!
Hear from Robyn about the tour at the Royal Alexandria Hospital:
Robyn Allan, 14, Gleniffer HS
“Today we visited a number of areas from labs to engineers and it was a great opportunity to see all the areas that the NHS offer. It was great to hear about the MA opportunities on offer in these areas and beyond within the NHS and meet new people”