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Creative Careers Week 23

Creative Careers Week 23

Good news, once again, in partnership with Historic Environment Scotland (HES) and Creative & Cultural Skills (CCSkills), Developing the Young Workforce (DYW) is delighted to deliver Creative Careers Week 2023.

This year. Creative Careers Week 2023 will run from 2nd-6th October, with 3 key aims and 4 main strands of activity. We very much hope your organisation can get involved in any of the strands. To register your interest, complete this FORM and read on to find out more about the programme. 


  • Raise awareness amongst young people, educators, parents/carers and careers' influencers of the breadth of roles and range of pathways available within the creative and cultural industries.
  • Inspire young people to consider a career in the creative and cultural industries by highlighting the breadth of roles and range of pathways available
  • Encourage and support employers across the creative and cultural industries to engage with young people and education through Creative Careers Week 2023.


  1. Local employer-led activity (DYW Regional Groups): build new and develop existing relationships between DYW regional groups and local creative industries’ employers for the delivery of employer-led activity in/for local schools.
  2. Creative Careers Week 2022 social media campaign: raise awareness amongst young people, educators, parents/carers and career influencers of the breadth of roles and range of pathways available within the creative and cultural industries by: celebrating the sector and the opportunities available; sharing content digitally including e.g. case studies, videos; signposting to supporter organisations; encouraging participation from employers and wider partners; creating a campaign toolkit to support partner participation using hashtags #CreativeCareersWeek23 and #NoWrongPath.
  3. Signposting to partners and supporter resources and activities.
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