Online resources for industry to support young people at school / college
Marketplace: A free online tool from Skills Development Scotland connecting schools and colleges with business. Just tell the system what you can offer, such as a talk, workshop, school visit or placement. Marketplace then posts your opportunity online for schools and colleges to get in touch. It’s that simple. Here's some of the benefits:
- Young people will benefit from your knowledge and expertise – you can help them develop the attitude and skills employers need
- You can inspire young people to work for you or in your sector
- You can raise awareness of who you are and what you do
- It’s great for staff development. Employees involved will gain a sense of achievement in helping young people.
Employers access Marketplace via – https://www.dyw.scot/marketplace.html or https://www.ourskillsforce.co.uk/invest-in-young-people/marketplace/
Here is a video about Marketplace made by DYW Edinburgh who designed and piloted the system - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FTmpmhM01s
Founder4Schools (F4S): Also a free online resource. Sign up to visit schools/colleges to give talks or support careers events. Schools then create events seeking support from industry and F4S matches them with people that have offered their services. F4S integrates with your Linkedin profile.
Access the site at https://www.founders4schools.org.uk/employer/
Watch the F4S video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uY-BsXib1Ss