As part of Scotland’s response to COVID-19 economic recovery, the Young Person’s Guarantee was launched in November 2020. It aims to give all young people, aged 16-24 in Scotland, the chance to succeed through the opportunity of a job, apprenticeship, education, training or volunteering.
For employers, it offers help to develop a future pipeline of skills and experience, with young people at the heart of the workforce. Young people bring organisations a wealth of talent, creativity, and enthusiasm, critical now and for future success.
DYW regional groups have been tasked by the Scottish Government to get employers of all sizes and across all sectors involved with Young Person’s Guarantee. Your pledge is built around areas of support and creating opportunities for young people. You can get involved in different ways.
- Prepare young people for the world of work
- Invest in a skilled workforce
- Create an inclusive and fair workplace
- Be a Champion for Young People
Find out more here
To discuss how your organisation can support the YPG please contact us at info@dywwest.co.uk
Alternatively you can download the short form, complete it and return to the email above. The MS Word version is here and the PDF version is here
To view the YPG website and see the employers that have signed up please visit here
#YPGuarantee #YPG