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Clydebank High School Climate Hero Journey with NMIS

Clydebank High School Climate Hero Journey with NMIS

One of our Climate Heroes, Rachel Moir, Head of Skills at the Manufacturing Skills Academy, was matched to Clydebank High School and spent time in the school working with S3 Geography pupils. 

Rachel has been supporting Clydebank High School's climate leaders and Eco School pupils in moving forward with their COP26 legacy to reduce waste in the school.

Rachel delivered a four-week skills based program developing Employability Skills, with a focus on the future of jobs in Scotland within the Renewable and Green Sectors.

Staff at the school said, "Rachel has been brilliant at offering her experience in waste management and her skills in leading change. The pupils are currently working on a Waste Audit. This will help them to discover how much waste is being produced across the school and the type of waste. Our next step will be to look at solutions to reduce this waste".

Are you interested in becoming a Climate Hero?

Email: info@dywwest.co.uk for more details or visit the My Climate Path website

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Foundation Apprenticeships

Foundation Apprenticeships

Going into S5 or S6? Set yourself up for a big future with a Foundation Apprenticeship.

Foundation Apprenticeship gives senior phase pupils an inside view of Scotland’s thriving industries.

Pupils can combine a recognised qualification with valuable experience in industries where there’s a rising demand for a skilled workforce.  

If you’re going into S5 or S6, apply for a Foundation Apprenticeship to get a head-start in some of Scotland’s fastest growing industries.

Visit apprenticeships.scot/foundation to find out what’s available in your school and apply online.

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Young Person’s Guarantee Webinar for Employers Addressing Net Zero

Young Person’s Guarantee Webinar for Employers Addressing Net Zero

The Young Person’s Guarantee aims to ensure that within two years every 16-24 year old in Scotland has access to a work or learning opportunity.

The impact of the pandemic on employers and young people alongside a changing labour market means that there’s never been a more important time to consider young talent within the workforce.

Over 500 employers from all industries and of all sizes have already signed up to support the Guarantee, however we need more.

This webinar will help employers involved in addressing Net Zero find out how the Young Person’s Guarantee makes it easier for young people and employers to connect, and how to get involved. 

Delivered by the Scottish Government and Skills Development Scotland (SDS) the webinar includes:

•    An overview of the Young Person’s Guarantee, the 5 asks of employers, benefits to you, and how to sign up
•    Examples from employers on how they’ve got involved with creating opportunities for young people
•    Information from SDS on climate emergency action plan, apprenticeships and business support

The event will be hosted and introduced by Jennifer Tempany, Co-founder of Fuel Change.

The webinar takes place Wednesday 27 April, 10am. 

More details and sign up

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 Young Person’s Guarantee Celebrating over 500 Employer Sign Ups

Young Person’s Guarantee Celebrating over 500 Employer Sign Ups

This month marks over 500 employers signed up to the Young Person’s Guarantee! This is a brilliant milestone to have reached and we would like to thank every employer who has already signed up to support YPG.

If you have signed up to YPG you could:

  • Announce that you are a committed Young Person Guarantee employer and why you signed up. Ready to use comms messaging and supporting visual
  • Share case studies and tell the story of the types of opportunities you offer young people via the 5 Asks and the benefits of being a Young Person’s Guarantee employer
  • Please use #YPGuarantee and #MyYPGuaranteeStory on social media posts

If your organisation is taking on apprentices, utilising kickstart or supporting schools now or you plan to in the future, then please sign up to the Young Person’s Guarantee. The YPG is a commitment to bring together employers, partners and young people.  We already have a great list of employers who have joined the YPG and each of them are doing 1 or more of the following 5 asks:

  • To prepare young people for the world of work through engaging with education, work experience and work-based learning opportunities
  • Engage with and provide opportunities to young people who face barriers to work
  • Create apprenticeships, training and upskilling opportunities for young people
  • Create jobs and opportunities for young people
  • Create an inclusive workplace to enable young people to meet their potential

Are you interested in joining the YPG?

View the guide to the YPG - here
View the YPG proforma, where employers can sign up - here

To discuss how your organisation can support the YPG please contact us at info@dywwest.co.uk

To support YPG through your internal comms channels you can access the campaign toolkit to share with young people and their parents and carers about the Young Person’s Guarantee.

#YPG | #YPGuarantee | #YoungPersonsGuarantee

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DYW West New Board Members

DYW West New Board Members

DYW West are delighted to announce 4 new members on to our industry led board, these are:

Jim Carswell from Thermo Fisher Scientific

Carolyn Wilson from SSE Renewables

Alistair Rodgers from Inverclyde Chamber of Commerce

Michelle Murray from ScotRail

Our new board members will represent their organisation & industry sector in the context of developing the future workforce
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International Women's Day 2022 with Babcock Clyde

International Women's Day 2022 with Babcock Clyde

To celebrate International Women’s Day, Babcock at Clyde partnered with DYW West to welcome 6 female students from two local high schools to HMNB Clyde to provide an insight into the opportunities available as a female working within the STEM industry. The visit included a tour of the site and facilities, and career talks from women in Babcock, the MOD and Royal Navy, who discussed their career experiences and provided advice to young people starting out in their career journey. We hope the visit encouraged the students to pursue a career within the STEM industry.

Thanks to Babcock at Clyde for engaging with DYW West and hosting our local young people from Vale of Leven Academy and Our Lady and Saint Patrick’s High School. Our joint partnership’s aim of the day was to inspire young women to pursue careers in STEM related industries. The site tour, demonstrations and inspirational talks from successful women within STEM was extremely beneficial to the pupils, who are now expressing an interest within this area, with some now applying for apprenticeships at Babcock.

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Taylor Wimpey International Woman's Day 2022

Taylor Wimpey International Woman's Day 2022

To mark International Women's Day 2022, DYW West were invited to attend an event on Tuesday 8th March by Taylor Wimpey, hosted by Shoosmiths.

We were able to hear from a number of great speakers who discussed their experiences in helping to #BreakTheBias

This included a virtual presentation by Nicky Moffat CBE who discussed her experience as the highest ranked woman in the British Armed Forces, as well as the practical actions that helped her and her team to thrive.

Thank you to Taylor Wimpey for inviting us along to this great event and to Shoosmiths for hosting.

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Young Person’s Guarantee Webinar for Employers Addressing the Climate Emergency

Young Person’s Guarantee Webinar for Employers Addressing the Climate Emergency

The ambition of the Young Person’s Guarantee is that within two years every young person in Scotland aged 16-24 will have the opportunity of a job, apprenticeship, further or higher education, training programme or volunteering.

The impact of the pandemic on employers and young people alongside a challenging labour market means that there has never been a more important time to consider how young talent can benefit your organisation.

This webinar will help employers involved in addressing the Climate Emergency find out why it makes it easier for young people and employers to connect, and how to get involved.

Delivered by the Scottish Government and Skills Development Scotland the webinar includes:

  • an overview of the Young Person’s Guarantee, the 5 asks of employers and how to sign up
  • examples from employers on how they’ve got involved
  • Climate Emergency information from SDS and information on apprenticeships and business support


The event will be hosted and introduced by Fuel Change.

The webinar takes place Wednesday 16 March, 10am

Register Here

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Scottish Apprenticeship Week 2022

Scottish Apprenticeship Week 2022

Scottish Apprenticeship Week 2022 (SAW) takes place 7-11 March 2022.

Once again we are asking employers in and around the West Region (Renfrewshire, East Ren, Inverclyde and West Dunbartonshire) to get involved – to showcase to young people, educators, parents / carers / guardians, and other employers – that there are lots of employers offering apprenticeship opportunities now or in the near future.

In the past we have taken a large banner around employers and arranged a photo of their apprentice(s) holding the banner – due to Covid we are not doing it that way this year.

Instead, employers can show their support in a number of ways:


  1. Take a photo of current apprentice(s) and post on social channel with hashtag #ScotAppWeek22 and tag DYW West
  2. If able to you can overlay the photo with your logo, our logo and add in the hashtag as text and URL if apprenticeship vacancies are live now or soon will be – and post as explained in 1. above
  3. Get an apprentice to hold the attached 1 pager  (include your logo and some text such as URL) and take a photo and post as in 1. above
  4. Record a short video and post using hashtag #ScotAppWeek22 – video content could be a current apprentice talking about their role / how they got it / what they do or another person in the company to attract future apprentices to apply and therefore mention what you are looking for, qualifications, skills and experience – apply by date / where to go for more info etc – and post using hashtag etc


We have attached a SAW 1 pager that you can edit, download and print which you can then use to take a photo with and post on your socials to show support for Scottish Apprenticeship Week 22.

We have also included an example of what the 1 pager should look like.

Can you please let the DYW West team know by 7th March 22  if you are able to take part and your preferred way of getting involved from 1-4 above. (email)

Thank you

DYW West


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Young Person's Guarantee Employer Webinar For Scotland's Creative Industries

Young Person's Guarantee Employer Webinar For Scotland's Creative Industries

The ambition of the Young Person’s Guarantee is that within two years every young person in Scotland aged 16-24 will have the opportunity of a job, apprenticeship, further or higher education, training programme or volunteering.

This employer webinar will help you find out more about the benefits of engaging with young people, support available and how to get involved. Delivered by the Scottish Government and Skills Development Scotland (SDS) the webinar includes:

• An overview of the Young Person’s Guarantee, the 5 asks of employers and how to sign up

• Examples from employers in Creative Industries on how they’ve got involved

• Sectoral information from SDS including apprenticeships and business support

The event will be hosted and introduced by Kathryn Willens, Head of Partnerships (Scotland) at Creative & Cultural Skills. We will also hear from Museums Galleries Scotland and BBC Scotland about how they are supporting young people into work in the Creative Industries in Scotland.

The webinar will be held on 10th Feb at 10.30am

Register here https://buff.ly/3AfSZBL

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