STEM West 21

STEM West 21

STEM West our annual STEM event - where organisations involved in STEM help to inspire young people to choose STEM subjects at school and showcase early careers in their industry - was held from 22nd-26th November 2021.

We decided to have the event online again due to Covid and asked for employers to create and submit STEM related video content that could be shown in schools.

We wouldn't have been able to have a successful STEM West 21 without all of the amazing employers who put time and effort into creating videos for us.

We want to say a massive thank you to all of the employers who sent us a video for #STEMWest21 and to everyone who has viewed the videos so far! 

#STEMWest will be back next year!

If you've not had a chance to check out the videos then you can see them all on our YouTube channel https://buff.ly/3cMQrjT

You can also check out the list of the great employers we had take part from the attachment below.

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Scotland's Biggest Parents Event

Scotland's Biggest Parents Event

Scotland's Biggest Parent's Event is back for another year!

This year Scotland’s Biggest Parents’ Events (SBPE) will take place over the week of 15–19 November 2021 which coincides with a new national week ‘Scottish Careers Week’ developed by Skills Development Scotland.

SBPE's National Launch Event, will take place on Monday 15th November at 7pm, along with a series of more local events and activities across the rest of the week and social media activity.

The aim is to deliver some key messages about jobs and skills of the future and how employers and wider partners are involved in guaranteeing our young people in Scotland a positive step after school. We will feature information on the Scottish Careers Service with our partners Skills Development Scotland and you will hear about how Developing the Young Workforce is bringing the curriculum to life through employer experiences in schools. All of this in a jam packed 30 minute video!

Click to view Launch Video

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International Chef's Day

International Chef's Day

International Chefs day is celebrated every year to honour the profession and educate people about the sector. We partnered up to host an event with West College Scotland and the Scottish Chefs Federation.

The event was held over two days where 28 schools attended West College Scotland's Paisley, Clydebank and Clydebank campuses. Pupils took part in multiple activities with guest chefs and mocktail mixologists to help inspire them to think about a career in the Hospitality sector and promote heathy eating.

The events at each campus were very successful and everyone seemed to have a great day overall!

Here's to next year!

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CCG Partnered With OLSP to Create a 4 week Construction Programme

CCG Partnered With OLSP to Create a 4 week Construction Programme

CCG have partnered with OLSP to create a 4 week construction programme that kicked off on the 21st October. The programme will cover a variety of topics such as career talks about the site based apprenticeships and office based roles, along with work readiness and employer expectations from their HR department. Pupils will also be able to build on their employability skills by completing CV/ Cover letters and interview techniques with CCG.

Pupils have the opportunity for site visit, at a local site, to hear from the Site Manager and to meet the apprentices on site. At the end of the programme, Pupils interested in work experience on site, have the chance to apply for a 2 week work experience onsite working with plumbing, joinery and electrical trades on site.

 We had 18 pupils take part in the first 2 webinars. Pupils have really enjoyed the sessions and are looking forward to the next steps.

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Young Person’s Guarantee Employer Webinar for Tourism and Hospitality

Young Person’s Guarantee Employer Webinar for Tourism and Hospitality

You may have heard of the Young Person’s Guarantee which aims to ensure that within two years every 16-24 year old in Scotland has access to a job or learning opportunity.

The impact of the pandemic on employers and young people alongside a challenging labour market means that there’s never been a more important time to consider young talent within the workforce.

Employers from all industries and of all sizes are already coming forward to support the Guarantee, however we need more.

This webinar will help employers in Tourism and Hospitality find out why it makes it easier for young people and employers to connect, and how to get involved.


Hosted by The Torridon and delivered by the Scottish Government and Skills Development Scotland the webinar includes:


  • an overview of the Young Person’s Guarantee, the 5 asks of employers and how to sign up
  • examples from employers on how they’ve got involved
  • sectoral information from SDS including apprenticeships and business support


The event will be hosted and introduced by Rohaise Rose-Bristow, People Director at The Torridon. We will  be joined by Springboard who support unemployed people to improve their job prospects – futureproofing the hospitality and tourism talent pipeline. Finally we will hear from Julie Mackenzie, Organisational Development Partner at Gleneagles who will discuss the work they do to bring young people into the sector.


The webinar takes place Friday 22 October, 10-11am.

More details and sign up







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Scottish Apprenticeship Awards 2021

Scottish Apprenticeship Awards 2021

Nominations for the Scottish Apprenticeship Awards are now open!

The pandemic has changed every aspect of people’s lives and apprenticeships are playing a key part in Scotland’s economic transformation.

It’s never been more important to recognise the success of dedicated apprentices, the commitment of their employers and innovation shown by learning providers.

This year, the awards will also showcase apprentices and employers working hard to support Scotland’s climate change ambitions and target of net zero emissions by 2045 with the introduction of two new categories: 


  • Supporting Net Zero Apprentice Employer of the Year  
  • Support Net Zero Apprentice of the Year 


Please consider putting forward individuals and organisations who you believe demonstrate excellence in the delivery of apprenticeships, whether they are an apprentice, employer, ambassador, instructor, or training provider.  

Award nominations close at noon on Wednesday 27 October 2021 winners will be revealed during Scottish Apprenticeship Week in March 2022.  

Visit apprenticeships.scot/awards to find out more about the new categories, use the new nominations platform and to submit nominations.  

If you have any questions, please contact Emma.Milroy@sds.co.uk 


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#NoWrongPath 2021

#NoWrongPath 2021

Tuesday 10th August 21 marked exam results day in Scotland, DYW West supported the #NoWrongPath campaign.

#NoWrongPath is a social media movement which provides inspiration and reassurance to young people receiving their exam results.

We recognise that some young people may feel disheartened by their exam results this year, particularly in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic and the disruption to both education and the job market.

#NoWrongPath helps to demonstrate that many people in interesting job roles across Scotland may not have taken a straight, obvious or traditional path to get there. It shows young people that there is #NoWrongPath to get to where you want to be.

The campaign shows young people the options that are available to them and that exam results are not necessarily the key to unlocking future success.

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Open Letter To Young People

Open Letter To Young People

Introduction from Sandy Begbie, CEO Scottish Financial Enterprise, Chair of Young Person’s Guarantee Implementation Group, Chair of DYW

We all know that this year has been a year like no other and understand that the impact on young people has been significant.

Research undertaken with young people by Young Scot reveals anxiety that this year’s qualifications and achievements will not be valued as highly by employers in comparison to previous years. My many discussions with industry and employers resoundingly confirms the opposite. Instead my experience is widespread employer admiration for the fortitude and resilience young people have shown throughout all the challenges faced in the past year, and a solid commitment to create opportunities to help shape futures.

Official SQA results are due to be issued on 10 August. This is an opportune moment to communicate through an ‘open letter to young people’ that Scotland’s industry and employers stand in support of them, recognise their qualifications, and congratulate them on their achievements. The content of the open letter is attached and includes a number of signatories who represent a broad range of Scotland’s employers. We couldn’t include everyone, however I know there will be many more who stand ready to endorse it.

I therefore kindly ask for your support now, to get behind our campaign and help re-build youth confidence at this critical time.


An open letter to Scotland’s Young People

While you enjoy the summer and a well-deserved break from your studies we wanted to write to you in our role as Scotland’s business leaders and on behalf of our networks of thousands of Scottish employers. As you receive your official SQA results, we want to reassure you that we recognise and value your qualifications as much as any other year. We congratulate you on everything you’ve overcome and achieved this year, and you have our support, whatever your needs and wherever your ambitions lie.

Over the past 18 months you’ve had to deal with a situation like no other and the flexibility, ingenuity and resilience you’ve shown gives us confidence in you as future employees.

We are committed to helping to create job opportunities for you so that you can have a positive future. We are also committed to ensuring that there are opportunities available for  every young person and that you have help and support to develop further.

Many people in interesting job roles across Scotland may not have taken an obvious or traditional path. Look out for #NoWrongPath which will show you that, whatever your results, there are different routes into jobs. There are lots of industries continuing to grow and new ones emerging which offer exciting opportunities. Employers need young people with fresh ideas and experience to get involved and work together with us to tackle big challenges, such as climate change. We will do all that we can to help you find ways to use your skills and talents in the workplace.

We all support the ambition of the Young Person’s Guarantee and its commitment that within two years, every young person aged between 16 and 24, will have the opportunity of a job, apprenticeship, further or higher education, training programme or volunteering. And we’ll keep speaking to young people across Scotland to understand how we can keep delivering on our commitment to you.

Wishing you the very best of luck with your next steps. Scotland’s employers stand ready to support you. This is our #CommitmentToYOUth.



Sandy Begbie, CEO, Scottish Financial Enterprise

Marc Crothall, CEO, Scottish Tourism Alliance

Louise Macdonald, National Director Scotland, Institute of Directors

Damien Yeates, CEO, Skills Development Scotland

James Withers, CEO, Scotland Food and Drink

Dr Liz Barron-Majerik, Director, LANTRA

Lee Ann Panglea, Head of CIPD Scotland and Northern Ireland, CIPD

Tracy Black, Director Scotland, CBI

Anna Fowlie, CEO, SCVO

Fiona Hodgson, CEO, SNIPEF Training Services

David Lonsdale, Director, Scottish Retail Consortium

Karen Betts, CEO, Scotch Whisky Association

Martin Crewe, Director, Barnardo’s

Susan Love, Head of External Affairs, The Federation of Small Businesses

Liz Cameron, CEO, Scottish Chambers of Commerce

Sara Thiam, CEO, Scottish Council for Development and Industry

Paul Carberry, Director for Scotland, Action for Children

Iain MacRitchie, Founder and Chair, MCR Pathways

Anne Wexelstein, Director for Scotland, Career Ready

Kate Still, Director Scotland, The Prince’s Trust

Kirsten Urquhart, CEO, Young Scot


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Summer Leavers Programme 2021

Summer Leavers Programme 2021

DYW created a 4 week Summer Leaver’s Programme, “DYW Skills Academy”, aimed at supporting young people leaving school in the summer and are looking for support in preparing them for their next steps in life.  The programme will start on Monday 12th July 2021.

The programme consists of a series of activities and virtual experiences to support young people to build capacity to enter the labour market.


What’s included?

We are offering CV checks and virtual mock interviews, to help you on your journey to your new career, as well as e-learning modules.



Young people will have the opportunity to access a series of e-learning modules.

There are five modules, each taking between 20 and 45 minutes on average to complete.


These modules cover:

  • Life at Work
  • Basic Health and Safety
  • Customer Service
  • Cyber Security
  • GDPR

The participating young people will automatically receive a certificate of achievement after completing each module.


CV Check

We are happy to have an industry professional look over a draft of your CV to provide advice and feedback to enhance your CV.


Mock Interview

If you’re nervous for an upcoming interview or need advice then we are happy to set up a virtual mock interview. We can provide coaching and guidance on interview preparation and how to conduct yourself during the interview process.


If you would like any of the support mentioned then please email us at info@dywwest.co.uk


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Scotland's Biggest Parents Events - survey

Scotland's Biggest Parents Events - survey

Developing the Young Workforce are looking to shape up our 2021 employer led ‘Scotland’s Biggest Parents Events’ and would really appreciate the views of parents, carers and guardians to ensure we deliver information and insight that is helpful and hits the key topics you would like to hear about.  We are asking for 2 minutes of your time through a short survey to help us get this right for you.  The deadline for survey completion is Friday 4th June.  You can check out last year’s focus HERE and keep an eye on the website for updates for this year’s event. Thank you for your support,  Team DYW.

Survey link >> here

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