On the week of the 1st of June, Developing the Young Workforce launched the #DYWKeyWorkers campaign. This gave DYW West the opportunity to collaborate with local employers and highlight the essential roles that are keeping Scotland's economy going and those on the frontline, combatting the Coronavirus.
We reached out to employers in a variety of industries and received some excellent submissions from the individuals in key roles.
Monday, June 1st:
We kicked the week off with Philip Briscoe, the Sales Manager at European Circuits. Philip highlighted how their products are being supplied directly to NHS frontline staff and how they're being used in the fight against the Coronavirus.
Tuesday, June 2nd:
We then spoke to Erin, a Specialist Biomedical Scientist with NHS GGC. She told us about the recent media attention her field has attracted, and what it's like to live and work in the West region.

Wednesday, June 3rd:
As this was also #VolunteersWeekScot, we were delighted to be able to showcase the volunteer work that's being done in Scotland. Alice McBride is the Volunteer Development Officer for Engage Renfrewshire, here she talks about the role volunteering plays in these times.
We also spoke to Fiona, a Primary School Teacher at St. Anne's Primary in Erskine, who told us about the passion she has for her pupils, their families and the local community.

Thursday, June 4th:
Jim is the Commercial Director at Binn Group, Scotland’s leading recycling and resource management company. They provide a vital service keeping bins empty and waste processed.
On Thursday we also spoke to Adam, a Care Worker with Kerr Home Care Ltd in Johnstone. He told us about how proud he is to be caring for other people during this time and more!

Friday, June 5th:
We started off the final day of the campaign with Margaret, a Practice Nurse of over 20 years with the NHS, who talked us through the skills needed for her field and much more.

To round off the week, we spoke to Natalie. Natalie is the daughter of Margaret and a Call Handler with NHS24, showing that the NHS is a calling for different generations of the family.

We'd like to extend our thanks to the organisations who were keen to work with us and everyone who contributed videos and case studies for the #DYWKeyWorkers campaign, keep up the good work!