Archive by tag: #DYWScotReturn
Williamwood High School S3 Skills Academy

Williamwood High School S3 Skills Academy

Williamwood High School held a one day event that allowed pupils to develop their skills for life, learning and work through experiences that are out with their normal curriculum.

Pupils took part in three sessions throughout the day with 23 options to choose from. These sessions were delivered by colleges, employer partnerships and staff who were sharing their expertise.

Sessions included an introduction to personal training, electrician and plumbing taster, t-shirt printing, courtroom experience, apprentice lab, build a fitbit, heartstart, crime squad and a marketing session.

Thank you to everyone who supported this brilliant event!

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Top Scaffolding at Mary Russell School

Top Scaffolding at Mary Russell School

One of our Young Person's Guarantee employers, Top Scaffolding, demonstrated their commitment to local young people by holding a fully certified First Aid and DEFIB Training course with a group of young people from Mary Russell School in Paisley.
David, the Health and Safety trainer from Top Scaffolding attended Mary Russell and took a group of 10 young people through an engaging and interactive training course. The pupils were all keen to take part and all completed the course and received their certificates.

A big thank you to David and Top Scaffolding for holding this brilliant course.

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International Women in Engineering Day at Howden

International Women in Engineering Day at Howden

In partnership with Howden, we hosted an event to inspire female pupils to consider a future career in engineering. Howden invited over 50 female pupils, from 11 schools from the WEST region to their Renfrew facility.

As part of the visit pupils were provided a tour of the facility and a first hand look at the processes and technology used at Howden. They heard from accomplished female engineers and manufacturing professionals who shared their personal journeys into their career.
The students also participated in hands on demonstrations, using a VR headset, and fun engaging STEM workshops.
A massive thank you to everyone at Howden for running this brilliant event and to the students who attended.

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Mentoring Young People Webinar

Mentoring Young People Webinar

Whether you’re mentoring young people through work placements, apprenticeships or jobs this free training workshop offers practical insights and guidance to hone the skills required.

During the session you will explore key mentoring skills and tools, including the GROW model, and have an opportunity to practice these skills with guidance and support from an expert facilitator.

You will also receive a detailed guide to mentoring that is packed full of practical hints and tips as well as sources of reference for further self-directed learning.

This workshop is designed for individuals responsible for supporting young people on work placements as well as individuals responsible for managing apprentices or young employees within their organisation

Date: 30th June 
Time: 0930-1200

Click here to register

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Young People Are Great Campaign 2023

Young People Are Great Campaign 2023

Developing the Young Workforce are celebrating the achievements and resilience of young people across Scotland through the Young People are Great campaign, and we are asking for your support

The campaign aims to:

  • Highlight the key achievements and resilience of young people across Scotland
  • Raise awareness of the greatness young people bring to any workforce
  • Spread good news, success and motivation

We invite you to get involved in this one-day-only campaign, which takes place on Tuesday 6th June 2023

Find out more and how you can get involved


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DYW Live Social Media Launch

DYW Live Social Media Launch

Last month DYW Live launched their new social media accounts!

This online programme facilitates live interactions with employers/industry and learners & teachers.

They offer:

  • Inspirational talks
  • Lessons on careers, job opportunities & labour market trends
  • Support for systematic skills development
  • Mentoring and virtual work placements
  • Thematic courses and qualifications

Click here for Facebook
Click here for Twitter

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Young Person's Guarantee Gov report

Young Person's Guarantee Gov report

So far, 816 employers have signed up to the Young Person’s Guarantee. 

Through the Young Person’s Guarantee we can not only ensure all young people reach their full potential, but can help your business reach it too!

DYW would like to thank all employers who have signed up to the Young Person's Guarantee. The difference you make to the lives of young people is huge. Thank you for providing opportunities and investing in the future.

You can find out more about the success of the Guarantee in the newly published Gov report here

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Developing Young Workforce Strategy - Evaluations

Developing Young Workforce Strategy - Evaluations

The DYW Evaluation Reports were published this month.

These are independent evaluations of the impact of Developing the Young Workforce Strategy on education & the impact of Developing the Young Workforce Strategy on employer engagement.

A big thank you to all who were involved in the process. We look forward to working with all connected to DYW to consider the recommendations. 

You can view the reports below

Impact on Education: Evaluation

Impact on Employer Engagement: Evaluation


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Construction Work Tasters Launch

Construction Work Tasters Launch

The Construction Work Tasters project will officially launch on 20 March 2023

Funded by the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB), this project will support young people to learn more about the wealth of career opportunities in the construction and built environment sector. By working closely with employers, this project can also help to alleviate some of the recruitment challenges the sector is experiencing.

Construction Work Tasters are a short version of a work experience. Importantly, they are led by employers and take place on site or in the working environment. As the name suggests, however, they offer a taster of the industry and last between half a day and two days.

The launch week will act as a platform to reach more partners across industry, education, the third sector and local government.

Click here for more info


The Work Tasters website (www.worktasters.scot) is now live. This is the online hub for the project. Employers can post opportunities; young people can sign up to them. Educators and young people can also register their interest in attending Work Tasters. There might not be Work Tasters in your area yet, but if we know there’s interested young people then we will work with employers to create those opportunities.


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Supporting Diversity in the Public Sector

Supporting Diversity in the Public Sector

Are you interested in finding out more about creating opportunities for young people and how this could benefit your organisation?

Join "Supporting Diversity in the Public Sector" webinar, delivered by The Scottish Government and Skills Development Scotland (SDS) on Tues 24th January from 12:00 – 12:45

Register now ➡️ https://buff.ly/3uZeANl

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