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Scotland's Biggest Parents Event

Scotland's Biggest Parents Event

Scotland's Biggest Parent's Event is back for another year!

This year Scotland’s Biggest Parents’ Events (SBPE) will take place over the week of 15–19 November 2021 which coincides with a new national week ‘Scottish Careers Week’ developed by Skills Development Scotland.

SBPE's National Launch Event, will take place on Monday 15th November at 7pm, along with a series of more local events and activities across the rest of the week and social media activity.

The aim is to deliver some key messages about jobs and skills of the future and how employers and wider partners are involved in guaranteeing our young people in Scotland a positive step after school. We will feature information on the Scottish Careers Service with our partners Skills Development Scotland and you will hear about how Developing the Young Workforce is bringing the curriculum to life through employer experiences in schools. All of this in a jam packed 30 minute video!

Click to view Launch Video

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