Addleshaw Goddard - Legal Explorer Programme

Addleshaw Goddard - Legal Explorer Programme

Addleshaw Goddard is offering S5 students the chance to gain mentoring, paid work experience, and support in the legal sector through their Glasgow office and online.

Learn more about the social mobility-focused Legal Explorer Programme here.

Download the flyers below

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STEM West 2024

STEM West 2024

The countdown is on for STEM West 2024!

We’re still inviting employers to showcase their industries at our flagship event on 18th-19th November.

The aim of the event is to inspire young people to choose STEM subjects at school and have employers showcase their company/industry. Last year we had over 800 pupils attend from 4 of our local authorities, (West Dunbartonshire, Renfrewshire, East Renfrewshire and Inverclyde) with over 50 exhibitors!

If you are an employer who is interested in showcasing your company and can bring along something interactive or hands on for S2-S4 pupils to engage with over the 2 days then please let us know. Even if you can only attend one of the days, it would be great to still have you come!

Interested in showcasing at STEM West 2024? Please complete the registration form.

If you are unable to access the form then please complete the below Word Document and email to info@dywwest.co.uk

If you have any questions please email jan.mcmahon@dywwest.co.uk or clarke.speirs@dywwest.co.uk

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DXC Digital Futures Academy - Year 2

DXC Digital Futures Academy - Year 2

This month we had a fantastic start to Year 2 of our four-year partnership with DXC Technology for the Digital Futures Academy!

This session focused on Security and Social Engineering, offering students valuable insights into the world of cybersecurity.

We were also joined by Craig Steele and Kirstie Steele from Digital Skills Scotland, who led an exciting hands-on activity where students experienced hacking into a virtual bank.

A huge thank you to our partners and students for making this session so engaging and impactful!

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Renfrewshire School Pupils Visit Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Centre

Renfrewshire School Pupils Visit Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Centre

To celebrate Renfrewshire Employability Week, we had the fantastic opportunity to visit the Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Centre with pupils from schools across Renfrewshire!

It was an inspiring day for the students, learning about cutting-edge innovation and career possibilities in the manufacturing industry.

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MCR Pathways - #ChangeALife

MCR Pathways - #ChangeALife

You can change a young person’s life.

MCR Pathways are looking for your help to provide more young people with a mentor who’s there just for them. Volunteer as a mentor for one hour per week and help a young person in a local school to flourish. Listening and supporting them for just one hour a week has been consistently proven to transform lives. You don’t need to be an expert, just caring and committed to making a positive impact.

Find out more and #ChangeALife 

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Step Into Finance Careers Event

Step Into Finance Careers Event

Step into FINANCE will take place at the Technology & Innovation Centre at Strathclyde University on the 4th of October from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm. We are holding the event in partnership with our colleagues at DYW LED and DYW Glasgow and as a result, will be reaching out to over 120 High Schools from West Central Scotland.

The aim is to provide secondary school pupils with a wider understanding of the Financial Sector and Professional Service Industries and the potential career opportunities in those fields, whilst hopefully inspiring them to select the relevant subjects and pathways at school that can lead to the sector. This event is available to pupils from S3-S6 year groups. We will be happy to support single booked tickets for senior phase pupils, who can travel independently.


Click here to register

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Renfrewshire Employability Week

Renfrewshire Employability Week

Taking place from 2nd-6th September 2024 is the first ever Renfrewshire Employability Week, facilitated by the Renfrewshire Local Employability Partnership, it brings together Renfrewshire Council with a range of partners and local businesses to support people to access new careers, identify job vacancies and obtain new skills to help them progress into work or climb the ladder.

There will be more than 20 free events taking place across the week, including:

  • Open days with Malcolm and McTaggart Construction to gain an insight into careers in the logistics and construction industries
  • Site visits with GRAHAM and Morrisons Construction to the new Renfrew Bridge and Paisley Grammar School and Community Campus respectively
  • Open event with a range of public sector partners to promote career and job opportunities
  • Various events across the area supporting people to enter the care sector
  • Retail jobs fair ahead of the festive season
  • Support and guidance to enter self-employment
  • Opportunities to volunteer for skills development and career progression

Outside of events open to the public, schools have been invited to a range of activities, including sessions at the National Manufacturing Institute Scotland (NMIS) and Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Centre (MMIC) to promote careers in advanced manufacturing and life and chemical science.

The Renfrewshire Employability Conference will bring hundreds of professionals together to review the local economy in Renfrewshire and identify how partners, businesses and the public sector can make a positive difference in the short, medium and long-term.

This is just a small insight to all that is going on across the week and we would appreciate your support in promoting it across Renfrewshire and via your channels.

A suggested post for social media is in the link below, along with social media graphics.

Below you will also find a timetable for the week

All the programme information is available at www.renfrewshire.gov.uk/employability-week.


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Virgin Money STEMTastic 2024 Maths Week FREE Online Workshops

Virgin Money STEMTastic 2024 Maths Week FREE Online Workshops

Join colleagues from Virgin Money to celebrate Scottish Maths Week with this one day series of maths and finance based workshops and career panels for primary and secondary aged students.

The theme for Scottish Maths Week this year is "Maths Tales".
STEMTastic is a FREE online annual event that aims to inform school-age pupils interested in STEM subjects of future career opportunities in banking, finance and IT within Virgin Money. They are holding two workshops and a careers panel focused on maths and finance careers.

The event is aimed at Young people aged between 9-18 years old. Schools and home school students are welcome to join us for all or part of the day.

All sessions will be hosted live on Microsoft Teams, and can be streamed either directly to the pupils' computers or to the front of your classroom.

A moderated Questions and Answers panel will be available to pose your questions live to presenters to be answered in the session.


 Event Timetable

Teams events will be open 15 minutes before the start time to allow participants time to join before the interactive presentations begin.

  • 9.15am - 10.15am - Primary school workshop for P5- P7 9-11 year olds exploring the maths behind interest rates
  • 11am - 12pm - Secondary school workshop for S1 – S3 11-14 year olds exploring interest rates, savings and loans products
  • 1.30pm - 2.30pm - Banking Career Panel for S4 – S6 14-18 year olds. Meet a panel of colleagues from Virgin Money with interesting "Maths Tales" of how they have incorporated maths into their career journeys"



Please book tickets for the sessions you wish to attend. If you are booking for a school group, you only need to book 1 ticket per session and tell us the number of pupils who will be attending.

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Immersive Practical Enterprise Experience

Immersive Practical Enterprise Experience

The Young Enterprise Scotland Company Programme is an immersive enterprise experience which runs over an academic year for S5 and S6 students. Young people learn by doing as they set up a real business, assign leadership roles, brainstorm product and service ideas and launch onto the market. Students have access to an optional SCQF Level 6 Qualification in partnership with Glasgow Kelvin College and a reflective exam provided by Strathclyde Business School.

The Team Programme runs in the same format has been designed and delivered for students over the age of 15 who have mild to moderate additional support needs. We focus on ensuring students develop transferable enterprise skills that they can build on through their next phase after high school. Students are encouraged to complete the optional SCQF Level 3 qualification as part of the programme.

These programmes can be run as an extracurricular group afterschool or at lunchtimes, as an option on the school timetable or could run as short-term as 12-weeks, so could make up a project for a semester. The programmes link with the real world of work by matching each Company and Team with a local Business Mentor.

Please find more information by clicking the links below, or view the Educator guides for more information: Company and Team


Click here to register for 24/25

What you will need to register:

a.      Access to the School’s purchase card/card details and permission to use this (£100 per Team)

b.      Know the total number of Companies or Teams you are planning to purchase

c.      If you want to pay by Invoice/BACs instead then you can indicate this on the website or          email finance@yes.org.uk directly


Any questions or further information, please email Eloise.mcneaney@yes.org.uk



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Opportunities For Senior Phase Pupils

Opportunities For Senior Phase Pupils

CityZen Online Competition

 Institution of Civil Engineers are opening their online competition for S5/S6 pupils, CityZen, which went live on 21st August. It’s a great opportunity for any pupils who may be thinking about applying for an engineering or built environment course or apprenticeship. The pupils work in teams of up to four, on a series of challenges to build the civil engineering infrastructure in a virtual city and are supported throughout by an ICE STEM Ambassador.

Careers Presentation
Another option is for one of ICE's engineers to deliver a presentation to senior phase pupils to help them with their career decisions. They’ll explain to them what civil engineering is and where it fits into the world. They’ll hear about the different routes into the profession - foundation/modern/graduate apprenticeships, full and part-time study, scholarships and generally get the real story of life as an engineer today. These sessions are expected to be held in September or October, but the dates can be flexible. - it may be that your schools want to do this as part of Maths Week Scotland (23rd to 29th September) or Scottish Careers Week (11th to 15th November) or during a PSE class or assembly.

If this is something that the pupils in your schools would benefit from please email info@dywwest.co.uk

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