Archive by tag: #DYWWestReturn
Mentoring Young People: Employer Information Session

Mentoring Young People: Employer Information Session

Mentoring a young person can have a life-changing impact and is an invaluable way for young people to develop the skills, confidence and aspirations they need for their future success. It also raises awareness of your organisation with local young people and schools

If your business or organisation is interested in mentoring then this workshop can help you. It was designed in partnership with MCR Pathways and Career Ready to aid employers looking to learn about the introduction of mentoring young people in their organisations.

📅 Thursday 10th August
⏰ 0900am

Click here to register

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Inspiring Young Minds Webinar

Inspiring Young Minds Webinar

For employers, engagement in schools and colleges provides access to a diverse pool of future talent and enables industry to take a lead role in inspiring young people and shaping the future workforce.

This engagement helps to build young peoples skills for both work and life, adds relevance to their academic work and raises the career aspirations amongst Scotland’s future workforce.

This free DYW training workshop will increase your confidence in discussing your industry with a young audience

📅 16th August
⏰ 2pm-2.30pm

Click here to register

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SDS Results Helpline

SDS Results Helpline

Are you receiving your exam results soon?

Whatever results you receive, expert careers advisers can help you explore your options.

The SDS Results Helpline opens at 8am on Tuesday 8th August

Call the Helpline on 0808 100 8000 or click here to read more


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#NoWrongPath is back and the messaging of the campaign is more important than ever.

Not only should we provide inspiration and reassurance to young people receiving their results, it’s vital that Scotland’s young people are aware of the options that are available to them. Developing the Young Workforce is inviting businesses, organisations and professionals from all over Scotland to help share this message of reassurance, help educate young people about the options that are available to them and demonstrate that there is #NoWrongPath to success.

Make sure your industry is represented by getting involved on social media this Results Day (Tuesday 8th August 2023).

For information on how you can get involved, visit https://www.dyw.scot/nowrongpath or contact info@dywwest.co.uk

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Williamwood High School S3 Skills Academy

Williamwood High School S3 Skills Academy

Williamwood High School held a one day event that allowed pupils to develop their skills for life, learning and work through experiences that are out with their normal curriculum.

Pupils took part in three sessions throughout the day with 23 options to choose from. These sessions were delivered by colleges, employer partnerships and staff who were sharing their expertise.

Sessions included an introduction to personal training, electrician and plumbing taster, t-shirt printing, courtroom experience, apprentice lab, build a fitbit, heartstart, crime squad and a marketing session.

Thank you to everyone who supported this brilliant event!

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Top Scaffolding at Mary Russell School

Top Scaffolding at Mary Russell School

One of our Young Person's Guarantee employers, Top Scaffolding, demonstrated their commitment to local young people by holding a fully certified First Aid and DEFIB Training course with a group of young people from Mary Russell School in Paisley.
David, the Health and Safety trainer from Top Scaffolding attended Mary Russell and took a group of 10 young people through an engaging and interactive training course. The pupils were all keen to take part and all completed the course and received their certificates.

A big thank you to David and Top Scaffolding for holding this brilliant course.

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International Women in Engineering Day at Howden

International Women in Engineering Day at Howden

In partnership with Howden, we hosted an event to inspire female pupils to consider a future career in engineering. Howden invited over 50 female pupils, from 11 schools from the WEST region to their Renfrew facility.

As part of the visit pupils were provided a tour of the facility and a first hand look at the processes and technology used at Howden. They heard from accomplished female engineers and manufacturing professionals who shared their personal journeys into their career.
The students also participated in hands on demonstrations, using a VR headset, and fun engaging STEM workshops.
A massive thank you to everyone at Howden for running this brilliant event and to the students who attended.

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Manorview Launch

Manorview Launch

We were excited to be invited along to the official launch of the Manorview charity and rebrand!

The foundation will harness the company’s resources, skills, and connections to help improve the lives of people affected by poverty. It was great to discuss their future plans and see the new branding.

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Young People Are Great Campaign 2023

Young People Are Great Campaign 2023

Developing the Young Workforce are celebrating the achievements and resilience of young people across Scotland through the Young People are Great campaign, and we are asking for your support

The campaign aims to:

  • Highlight the key achievements and resilience of young people across Scotland
  • Raise awareness of the greatness young people bring to any workforce
  • Spread good news, success and motivation

We invite you to get involved in this one-day-only campaign, which takes place on Tuesday 6th June 2023

Find out more and how you can get involved


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STEM West 23 - Save The Date

STEM West 23 - Save The Date

Our 2023 STEM West event will return on 20th-21st November at West College Scotland, Clydebank campus.

This event is there to help to inspire young people to choose STEM subjects at school and have employers showcase early careers in their industry.

If you are an employer who is interested in showcasing your company and/or early careers, with something interactive or hands on for S3-S4 pupils to engage with over the 2 days then please let us know.

Email: info@dywwest.co.uk

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