Archive by tag: #DYWWestReturn
My Climate Path Green Careers Showcase Event

My Climate Path Green Careers Showcase Event

This month we attended the My Climate Path Green Careers Showcase Event at The Studio in Glasgow.

The event hosted a number of Scotland's young people and businesses that demonstrated the green careers currently available across a range of sectors, as well as a number of brilliant guest speakers and a special appearance from First Minister For Further Education, Higher Education & Science of Scotland, Jamie Hepburn.

A group of pupils shared a short presentation on what they had been doing since COP26 in relation to Green Skills and well done to Mearns Castle who also did a showcase at the event. Each school then attended 2 interactive workshops and career talks from Climate Heroes leading the way in sustainability in their industry.

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Howden Teacher Insight Day

Howden Teacher Insight Day

This month we hosted, in partnership with Howden, a Teacher Insight Day at their factory in Renfrew. Teachers from schools around the West Region were invited along for talks and tours of the facility.

Thank you to all of the teachers who came along & everyone at Howden who helped to organise and run the event!

If your company is interested in hosting a teacher insight day with us please get in touch with us at info@dywwest.co.uk

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DYW West New Board Members

DYW West New Board Members

DYW West are delighted to announce 4 new members on to our industry led board, these are:

Jim Carswell from Thermo Fisher Scientific

Carolyn Wilson from SSE Renewables

Alistair Rodgers from Inverclyde Chamber of Commerce

Michelle Murray from ScotRail

Our new board members will represent their organisation & industry sector in the context of developing the future workforce
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Scottish Apprenticeship Week 2022

Scottish Apprenticeship Week 2022

Scottish Apprenticeship Week 2022 (SAW) takes place 7-11 March 2022.

Once again we are asking employers in and around the West Region (Renfrewshire, East Ren, Inverclyde and West Dunbartonshire) to get involved – to showcase to young people, educators, parents / carers / guardians, and other employers – that there are lots of employers offering apprenticeship opportunities now or in the near future.

In the past we have taken a large banner around employers and arranged a photo of their apprentice(s) holding the banner – due to Covid we are not doing it that way this year.

Instead, employers can show their support in a number of ways:


  1. Take a photo of current apprentice(s) and post on social channel with hashtag #ScotAppWeek22 and tag DYW West
  2. If able to you can overlay the photo with your logo, our logo and add in the hashtag as text and URL if apprenticeship vacancies are live now or soon will be – and post as explained in 1. above
  3. Get an apprentice to hold the attached 1 pager  (include your logo and some text such as URL) and take a photo and post as in 1. above
  4. Record a short video and post using hashtag #ScotAppWeek22 – video content could be a current apprentice talking about their role / how they got it / what they do or another person in the company to attract future apprentices to apply and therefore mention what you are looking for, qualifications, skills and experience – apply by date / where to go for more info etc – and post using hashtag etc


We have attached a SAW 1 pager that you can edit, download and print which you can then use to take a photo with and post on your socials to show support for Scottish Apprenticeship Week 22.

We have also included an example of what the 1 pager should look like.

Can you please let the DYW West team know by 7th March 22  if you are able to take part and your preferred way of getting involved from 1-4 above. (email)

Thank you

DYW West


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STEM West 21

STEM West 21

STEM West our annual STEM event - where organisations involved in STEM help to inspire young people to choose STEM subjects at school and showcase early careers in their industry - was held from 22nd-26th November 2021.

We decided to have the event online again due to Covid and asked for employers to create and submit STEM related video content that could be shown in schools.

We wouldn't have been able to have a successful STEM West 21 without all of the amazing employers who put time and effort into creating videos for us.

We want to say a massive thank you to all of the employers who sent us a video for #STEMWest21 and to everyone who has viewed the videos so far! 

#STEMWest will be back next year!

If you've not had a chance to check out the videos then you can see them all on our YouTube channel https://buff.ly/3cMQrjT

You can also check out the list of the great employers we had take part from the attachment below.

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