Archive by tag: #DYWWestReturn
STEM West 21

STEM West 21

STEM West our annual STEM event - where organisations involved in STEM help to inspire young people to choose STEM subjects at school and showcase early careers in their industry - was held from 22nd-26th November 2021.

We decided to have the event online again due to Covid and asked for employers to create and submit STEM related video content that could be shown in schools.

We wouldn't have been able to have a successful STEM West 21 without all of the amazing employers who put time and effort into creating videos for us.

We want to say a massive thank you to all of the employers who sent us a video for #STEMWest21 and to everyone who has viewed the videos so far! 

#STEMWest will be back next year!

If you've not had a chance to check out the videos then you can see them all on our YouTube channel https://buff.ly/3cMQrjT

You can also check out the list of the great employers we had take part from the attachment below.

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